Tuesday, August 25, 2009

diary / blogging

exhibition "@bsolut privat!? Vom Tagebuch zum Weblog" at the museum für kommunikation berlin. very interesting and beautiful catalogue.
e.g.: clara schuhmann got into the habit of writing a diary, because her father started writing one for her (writing as I, Clara) when she was 8. after some time she would join in with a few notes. then they wrote it together (almost with no stylistic differences in the writing) until, when she was 19, he withdrew completly.
she later one wrote a diary toghether with her husband robert schuhmann. when he was hospitalized, she wrote one for him so that he could read what had happened while he was away (it turned out, that he could never leave the hospital until his death). she also kept a flower-diary for him.
it reminds me of "eine frau in berlin" by anonyma, which a young german woman wrote for three months at the very end of ww2 and the beginning of the russian occupation. she also began to write it for her fiance who was a soldier far from home, so that he would later on be able to read about her life during his absence. the diary more and more became her place of solace.
he did read it upon his return and then left her without a word of explanation.
i was surprised, that this book was not included in the exhibition.
also not included:
stasi reports (i imagine them to also be daily accounts of personal and even intimate information)
"the detective" by sophie calle
"ich bin 33" by jan peters, and most of his other films

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