Monday, August 31, 2009

der zeitgenössische künstler

"Das wäre eine schöne Definition: Man nimmt als zeitgenössischer Künstler keine Posen ein, sondern ist eher ein Seismograph, der die Ereignisse mitzittert. Kein Held, Impresario oder Selbstdarsteller, sondern ein angstfreier Seismograph."
Thomas Schütte
thanks bobby und berthold

nebenan übt ein mensch klavier

Sachliche Romanze

Als sie einander acht Jahre kannten
(und man darf sagen: sie kannten sich gut),
kam ihre Liebe plötzlich abhanden.
Wie anderen Leuten ein Stock oder Hut.

Sie waren traurig, betrugen sich heiter,
versuchten Küsse, als ob nichts sei,
und sahen sich an und wußten nicht weiter.
Da weinte sie schließlich. Und er stand dabei.

Vom Fenster aus konnte man Schiffen winken.
Er sage, es wäre schon Viertel vor Vier
und Zeit, irgendwo Kaffee zu trinken.
Nebenan übte ein Mensch Klavier.

Sie gingen ins kleinste Café am Ort
und rührten in ihren Tassen.
Am Abend saßen sie immer noch dort.
Sie saßen allein, und sie spachen kein Wort
und konnten es einfach nicht fassen.


Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
die da träumen fort und fort
und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
triffst du nur das Zauberwort.
Joseph von Eichendorff


nice little interaction (might not be on for so long, just until they have the next exhibition, i guess)


thanks sashka

Sunday, August 30, 2009

back then

LEO und GUSCHE Live aus dem Stadion

selbstgemacht von leo und gusche.
ich mach mir um die medienkompetenz unsere jugend jedenfalls keine sorgen mehr.
thanks marion


"1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal;
2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it;

3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.

Apply this list to movies, rock music, word processors and mobile phones to work out how old you are."
from How to stop worrying and learn to love the internet, written yesterday ten years ago by Douglas Adams.
thanks grisi

you don't have to call me sir

the party

david says it's the best film ever made. especially because of its steady pace.

shopping list

thanks alex and carsten
"Did you know that CNN has an algorithm that checks what people are twitting about and according to that they pick what content to show on TV?"
via a friend on facebook

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ask and you will be helped



A dilletant: A person who enjoys the arts or someone who engages in a field as an amateur out of casual interest rather than as a profession.
"Violon D'Ingres" by Man Ray
Ingres's well-known passion for playing the violin gave to the French language a colloquialism, "violon d'Ingres", meaning a second skill beyond the one by which a person is mainly known. (from wikipedia)

diary / blogging

exhibition "@bsolut privat!? Vom Tagebuch zum Weblog" at the museum für kommunikation berlin. very interesting and beautiful catalogue.
e.g.: clara schuhmann got into the habit of writing a diary, because her father started writing one for her (writing as I, Clara) when she was 8. after some time she would join in with a few notes. then they wrote it together (almost with no stylistic differences in the writing) until, when she was 19, he withdrew completly.
she later one wrote a diary toghether with her husband robert schuhmann. when he was hospitalized, she wrote one for him so that he could read what had happened while he was away (it turned out, that he could never leave the hospital until his death). she also kept a flower-diary for him.
it reminds me of "eine frau in berlin" by anonyma, which a young german woman wrote for three months at the very end of ww2 and the beginning of the russian occupation. she also began to write it for her fiance who was a soldier far from home, so that he would later on be able to read about her life during his absence. the diary more and more became her place of solace.
he did read it upon his return and then left her without a word of explanation.
i was surprised, that this book was not included in the exhibition.
also not included:
stasi reports (i imagine them to also be daily accounts of personal and even intimate information)
"the detective" by sophie calle
"ich bin 33" by jan peters, and most of his other films

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ceal floyer

"The work Monochrome Till Receipt (White) (2009) is a receipt recording the purchase of various items and groceries such as whole milk, doilies and raddish. These goods all share being of the color white. With minimalistic exactitude, at once ready-made and conceptual sculpture, this work is a play on presence and absence. The monochrome sculpture is made in one's head, the white wall becoming painting"

"For years Ceal Floyer collected the pieces of paper customers used to test pens at stationary shops, ultimately creating her work Works on Paper (2009). Displayed together a written babble emerges, questioning the ideas around authorship in art as well as asking what determines the public and the private sphere. The unwittingly created works on paper bear their authors' appropriating insignia thus undermining the generated readymade."
wish you were here / double act / light switch
currently at kunstwerke berlin

Monday, August 17, 2009

glasswing (greta oto)

i didn't know this existed

do you see what elmo sees

i love counting, counting to the number four

just as brilliant as the original


it was even funnier when frederik told us about it

Sunday, August 16, 2009


theo likes his portrait taken.
" I began modeling for painters as something of a muse; these days, I suspect, I’m just amusing."

asa ames

exhibition at one of my favourite museum in ny, some time ago.

there, i fixed it

there is hope.

fisch im wasser

no mixtape without this one. never.

all time favourite

dead silence

when i sleep i like to keep my windows open, because the noise in the morning helps me get out of bed. lately it was very quiet. everybody had left town because of the summer holiday, i thought.
it took me a few days to realize: the birds are missing. no chirping and tweeting cacophony anymore. sometimes a single one every other day for a little while, but that's it. it's so quiet.
a parasite is killing them all, they say.
instead my neighbour's dog howls at the moon. every now and then.
postcard by caroline wegener

Friday, August 14, 2009

Francis Alÿs - When Faith Moves Mountains (2002)

" will generate one story after the other. And the story will be passed on like an oral tradition. And later the ones who were there will tell the freshmen coming in. That way a memory will be built up of an event that only lasted a day and will live on for who know how long."..."So in fact we've got other projects. Things like drink the Atlantic, melt the Antartic, paint the sky. That kind of thing, simple stuff..."

re-constructing reality through a group effort of unrelated people

"In this project, we consider the problem of reconstructing entire cities from images harvested from the web. Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images."
thanks kevin

Thursday, August 13, 2009

rebecca sugar

rebecca sugar also did a sleep series: "I invited friends and acquaintances to come sleep in my bed, and I painted them while they slept in my bed. Each one took around six hours, I used acrylic so that it would dry fast and I could paint and repaint the person as they shifted position, and I painted on wooden boards I scavenged from a big bookshelf someone was throwing away in Jersey."
thanks fons

Thursday, August 6, 2009

alice thinking so you don't have to*

alice schwarzer hat mal wieder wunderbar eigenständige und somit überraschende gedanken zu frauen und ihr umgang mit geld (on the big scale, but also how this is affected by the small scale). krude zusammengefasst: gelegenheit macht diebe und frauen hatten (und haben) einfach weniger gelegenheiten. teil 1, 2, 3, 4
(der moderator ist so selbstverliebt, daß er gar nicht mehr fähig ist zu zuhören, die andere tante ist leider zu gefällig und die user kommentare mal wieder unerträglich)

uncomfortable data visualization

Depicts 410,000 paper cups, equal to the number of disposable hot-beverage paper cups used in the US every fifteen minutes.
by Chris Jordan
as in "your waste is my art"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

skateboarding girl

i never really understood what's so special about chloe sevigny. watching her in this clip, i finally get it.
and is that jason schwarztman singing? i did not know that either. coconut records is definitely a like-it.

choi jeong-hwa

"Your shopping is my art"
more, especially flowers
thanks c-monster